My Brother Part 1

Part 2

Initially I thought it was an accident, until I saw a knife slightly pressed to my belly that my head formatted.

The first emotion I felt was a bit of fear, then the Spirit of God said within me “I HAVE NOT GIVEN YOU THE SPIRIT OF FEAR BUT OF POWER AND OF LOVE AND OF A SOUND MIND.



Immediately I got my confidence back. “Holy Spirit what should I do?” I prayed within me.


I knew better not to argue; I obeyed and began to almost shout at him.

“Oga, Are You Okay!? How many times will you be told to take the right drugs for this thing that is disturbing you?

He was so shocked; he no knows say I dey shocked pass am. He regained his mean demeanor and said hoarsely, “give me your bag now.”

“That’s not the question I asked you, is it until you die that you would know that the medications you have been taking are the wrong one?”

“Wetin they happen for here, you won kill the babe!” The guy from earlier screamed from behind me. I never even knew if he was following me, or he heard my scream.

The guy with the knife began to shake and dropped the knife on the fall. I couldn’t see a thief anymore; I just saw a helpless young man.

“See guy I go kill you today. I don dey plan una wey dey rob students for this area for long. After the rubbish wey una do me and my friend. I go use you as scape goat for other to learn.”

He rushed to pick the knife and do the unspeakable to the guy, then I screamed.

“Stop!!! He is not a thief. Don’t mind this boy, he is supposed to be my brother oo. But he is sick, very sick. But the problem is that he is not taking the right medications and it is affecting him. If he was a thief I would have been screaming since na, not talking calmly to him. It is not his identity.” I ranted. By then the guy fell to the ground and was seriously weeping.

“Ehhh are you sure?” I nodded in response.

He turned to the guy, “na God save you. See the kind better sister you get but see the way you they disrespect her. My dear please take my number, if this boy give you headache again call me, okay?”

Smart guy, I smirked within me. I just collected it to get him off my neck.

After the guy left, I knelt down beside the guy and hugged him.

“You are not a thief, that’s not what Jesus calls you.” I said more calmly. He cried all the more.

“How- – how did you know I was sick?” He asked amidst sobs.

“Jesus did. He knows everything about you, He cares for you. He loves you. He wants to help you and give you total healing, in and out. But He needs you to give him access into your life before He can help you.”

“Why did you say I was supposed to be your brother? Why are you showing me so much love, despite everything I tried to do?” He sniffed.

I smiled. “Before now, the gospel of salvation has come to you, you almost gave in, but you ran away from Jesus. If you had said yes to Jesus, you would have been my brother now. But here is another opportunity, we can be siblings, true siblings in Christ. Why shouldn’t I love my brother?”

“I want Jesus. I don’t want this pain again; I don’t want these drugs again. I don’t want this fear. I want to look happy as you, shine as you, be bold as you, be healthy as you. I want to be your brother too. I don’t want to run away from Jesus!” He cried.

That was my cue and I lead him to Christ. It was such a beautiful moment for him. He couldn’t stop laughing and crying at the same. The love of Jesus was radiant all over him. It turned out he was suffering heavily from depression that it was already leading to madness. According to him, every 9pm at night he loses his mind and begins to act crazily. He spends a lot on drugs to calm the effects, but it was not seeming effective. But he couldn’t do without the drugs. Jesus gave him a complete healing, by the power of the gospel he received. This is day 30 and he hasn’t taken any drugs nor lost his mind anymore.

The End

Let us always try to spread the love of God. Many at times that’s what does ‘bad people’ need to turn them around.


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