There was a loud thud and he feel to the ground. There was blood everywhere. Mom who couldn’t stand the sight of blood fainted at the spot and dad was seen holding a base ball’s bat.


I kept rummaging through different rooms in the house, owe it to the fact that our house is so big, and it is filled with dozens of different rooms. It was a boring Tuesday night, and I didn’t feel like using the toilet in my room, instead I took my phone and headphones with me, aimlessly searching through all the guestrooms looking for the perfect one where I would be comfortable using my headphones without disturbances from both my parents and older brother. Finally, I found the best guest room I knew I would enjoy in the whole mansion. I entered the toilet and sat on the water system; I put on my music on my blasting headphones and picked up my phone and dialed the estate’s security management’s emergency hotline.

“Hello, what is your emergency?” the voice from the other end of the line came     “please….please help us, there is a robbery going on in our house right now, in building 3. Please help us, I don’t want to die” I feigned tears and fear while struggling not to laugh out loud.            “Okay, please remain calm. We are sending security operatives to your building right now” and the line went dead. I burst out loud into laughter. Although I couldn’t hear myself because of the ear blasting headphones I had on. I can’t wait to see the look on my parent’s face when the security guys arrive. I immediately went online and informed my friends of my escapade and I promised to send a video of how the prank will turn out when the security operatives arrive. Once I was done doing my business, I cleaned myself up and stepped out of the toilet. I did a few singings and dancing in the guest room, and I didn’t even know how loud I sang. Immediately I finished locking the door, I felt something metallic and strange pressed on my head. “If you move, I’ll shoot you” came a masculine voice from behind me and I froze.

Get Ready For Episode 2


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